The world's most corrupt healthcare government case series - Korea's Health and Medical Disease Management Policy in the Development of COVID-19 Treatment Preventive Drugs
세상에서 가장 부패한 보건의료정부
코비드-19 치료 예방의약품 개발 과정에서 만난 한국의 보건의료질병관리정책
Health Insurance Corporation's market failure policy
When prices are fixed and disclosed, producers have no reason to cut costs and sell quality products through marketing. Producers make rules for sharing profits with distributors and customers and work to increase profits by paying fewer taxes whenever possible. This is the basic theory of economics and business administration that if the state discloses and fixes a product's price, producers, distributors, and consumers collide with each other to make bribes and tax evasion to increase profits. Therefore, it is essential to induce competition through the market. Adam Smith's theory of national wealth, who was a professor of ethics, is also respected. However, Korea's Health Insurance Corporation, which is the only one globally, operates a health policy and health policy college that discloses and fixes prices and supports it. Related high-ranking positions retire to the health policy college, a wholesale pharmaceutical company. They boast of their integrity and induce businesses and citizens to tax evasion and trade bribes.
From 2010 to 2018, the price of Dapson, a therapeutic drug, was 22 cent for a 100mg 1T tablet. In June 2018, Dapson was not available at the pharmacy. This is because a Korean pharmaceutical company stopped production. After all, the price was low. To treat leprosy patients, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention separately signed a purchase contract for Dapsone with a pharmaceutical company. The price was 100 cent. When the production of Dapson was stopped, the Korea Rare Essential Medicine Center imported Dapson from Riemser Pharmaceuticals, Germany. The price was 550 cent. However, there was no answer at all in Korean pharmacies. It was only available at the Korea Rare Essential Medicine Center. In the winter of 2019, the Health Insurance Corporation set the upper limit for Dapsone at 110 cents. Production was stopped to raise prices. Since then, citizens have been able to obtain them at pharmacies. However, Korean doctors refused to prescribe Dapson. The reason was that people with leprosy prescribing medicines to take, which could lead to low awareness in the neighbourhood. Pharmacies were also reluctant to administer Dapsone to citizens.
Korea's Health Insurance Corporation can procure the market for medicines, medical devices, and consumables at a price with a separate purchase company. However, they must disclose the price ceiling of medicines to the market and reduce the price of medicines. If cut the cost well, the person in charge will be praised, and if raise the price, the person in charge will be subjected to censorship. The Korean health government policymakers' primary purpose of controlling drug prices is to control pharmaceutical companies and wholesale pharmaceutical companies. Most of them work in pharmaceutical and wholesale pharmaceutical companies after retirement. A public pharmaceutical company should be established to produce orphan essential medicines and maintain quality stably. However, the Korean health government policymakers are rejecting this. The reason is that they are corrupt. There is no intention to supply medicines for citizens, and drug side effects and quality control are not correctly performed. My mother suffered from the side effects of donepezil. Still, neither doctor nor pharmacist reported the Food and Drug Administration's side effects, nor did the Food and Drug Administration manage them. When Dapsone was administered, there was a three-fold difference between Korean and German drugs' efficacy.
건강보험공단의 시장 실패 정책
가격이 고정되고 공개되면 생산자는 원가를 절감하고 마케팅을 통해서 질좋은 제품을 판매할 이유가 없어진다. 생산자는 유통자 및 고객과 이윤을 나누는 규칙을 만들고, 가능한 세금을 덜 내서 이윤을 높이기 위해서 노력한다. 국가가 제품 가격을 공개하고 고정하면 생산자 유통자 소비자는 상호 담합하여 뇌물 거래를 하고 탈세를 해서 이윤을 높이게 되므로, 반드시 시장을 통해서 경쟁하도록 유도해야 된다는 경제-경영학의 기초 이론이다. 윤리학 교수였던 아담 스미스의 국부론도 그래서 존경받는 것이다. 그런데 전세계에서 유일하게도 한국의 건강보험공단은 가격을 공개하고 고정하고 이를 지지하는 보건정책과 보건정책대학을 운영하고 관련 고위직들은 은퇴 후 제약회사 도매회사 보건대학으로 이직한다. 스스로 청렴하다고 자랑하고서 기업과 국민들에게 탈세하고 뇌물거래하도록 유도한다.
2010년부터 2018년까지 치료 의약품인 답손의 가격은 100mg 1T 한 정은 건강보험공단 상한가 22원 이었다.
2018년 6월 답손은 약국에서 구할 수 없었다. 한국의 제약회사에서 가격이 낮다는 이유로 생산을 중단했기 때문이다. 나병 환자의 치료를 위하여 질병관리본부에서는 따로 제약회사와 답손에 대한 구매 계약을 맺었다. 가격은 110원 이었다.
답손의 생산이 중단되자 한국희귀필수의약품센터에서는 독일 림저 제약회사의 답손을 수입하였다. 가격은 600원 이었다. 그러나 한국의 약국에서는 답손을 전혀 구할 수 없었다. 오직 한국희귀필수의약품센터에서만 구할 수 있었다.
2019년 겨울이 되자 건강보험공단은 답손의 상한 가격을 124원으로 책정하였다.
이후로 시민들은 약국에서 구할 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 한국의 의사들이 답손의 처방을 거부하였다. 이유는 나병 환자가 먹는 약을 처방한다는 이유로 동네에서 인식이 나빠질 수 있기 때문이라는 것 이었다. 약국에서도 역시 답손을 시민에게 투약하는 것을 꺼려했다.
한국의 건강보험공단은 구매회사를 따로 두고 의약품과 의료기기, 소모품에 대한 시장을 가격으로 조달할 수 있다. 그런데 한사코 의약품의 가격 상한가를 시장에 공개하고 의약품 가격을 깍으려고만 한다. 가격을 잘 깍으면 담당자가 칭찬을 받고 가격을 올려주면 담당자가 감사를 받게 된다.
한국의 보건 정부 정책가들이 의약품 가격을 통제하는 주요 목적은 제약회사와 의약품 도매회사에 대한 통제 권한을 가지기 위함이다. 그들은 대부분 은퇴 후에 제약회사와 의약품 도매회사에 취업한다.
공공제약회사를 만들어서 희귀 필수 의약품을 안정적으로 생산하고 품질을 유지시켜야 한다. 그런데 한국의 보건 정부 정책가들은 이를 거부하고 있다. 이유는 그들이 부패했기 때문이다. 시민을 위한 의약품을 공급할 의사가 전혀 없으며 의약품 부작용과 품질 관리도 제대로 하지 않는다. 내 어머니는 도네페질 부작용에 시달렸지만 어느 의사와 약사도 그 부작용을 식품의약품안전처에 보고하지 않았고 식품의약품안전처도 관리하지 않았다. 또한 답손을 투약해 보면 한국산과 독일산의 의약품 효능에서 세 배 차이가 났다.
Here are the comments we reviewed on your inquiry.
1. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety comprehensively reviews the safety, efficacy, and quality of pharmaceuticals, and sets the permission items for each item (efficacy-effect, usage, dosage, storage method, the period of use, etc.) and permits it.
Please understand that we will only respond to related content.
2. Based on clear evidence after conducting non-clinical tests (toxicity tests, pharmacology tests, etc.) and clinical trials so that useful products with safety, efficacy and quality secured for the drug product can be reasonably used when drug item is submitted (reported). As a result, permission items (effectiveness, dosage, precautions, etc.) are set,
1) For permission matters such as cautions for formulations containing donepezil,
(http://nedrug. m> Drugs, etc. Search l Please note that you can check.
3. Also, for safety management after the marketing of uh|drug paste, we are collecting data on adverse reactions to drugs, including the relevant item through the Korea Pharmaceutical Safety Management Agency. We inform you that we are making efforts to use safe medicines, so we ask for your understanding of these benefits.
O The Taegeuk Dapson Jeong of Taegeuk Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. you inquired about is an item that is consigned and supplied by the Korea Rare Essential Medicine Center. Are being managed.
O We inform you that we monitor the supply situation for the stable supply of the relevant item. If necessary, we are actively taking action if required, such as administrative support.
O We hope that your question has been answered satisfactorily. If you need further explanation of the answer's content, please contact Seon-Im Park (043-719-2634) in charge of the Pharmaceutical Pool Policy, and we will kindly guide you. Thank you.
Following Article 31, Paragraph 1 of the 「Act on the Promotion of Public Data Provision and Use of Public Data」 requested by you, the case for dispute mediation (2020-030) ordered by you on October 13, 2020, is closed as follows. I will inform you
o Case number: 2020-030 (applicant)
o Case name: Dispute mediation case for provision of public data regarding refusal to provide information on the outbreak of Hansen people
0 Contents of public data subject to incident Hansen people / SARS-CoV-2 outbreak information
* As of June 30, 2020-September 30, 2020 Total number of Hansen / Number of cases (incidence rate) / Number of deaths (mortality rate)
※ In case of an outbreak, data comparing the incidence rate in the same region and region.
o Rejection of mediation is decided on the notification contents case number 2020-030